Thursday, September 16, 2010

"Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light."--Helen Keller

First of all, I would like to thank Geri for offering a place in her home today. You definitely have the southern hospitality. I chose the quote above from Helen Keller because the best part of life is knowing that when trials come your way, friends and family are there for support. I am thankful to have classmates such as all of you who offer great advice when needed. As far as today's presentation, there was so much information from the text that will indeed be great resources to pull from to use as assessments for reading. I'm really glad that our elluminate session also had the feature of uploading a PowerPoint. Technology sure makes things easier in life. After we have completed these courses, we will all be addicted bloggers!

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  1. Annette,
    I concur, we must be here for each other! Although people live on islands, no person is an island. Geri is an awesome friend and classmate, and stocker of snacks. Glad the internet worked out for everyone today.

  2. Firstly, "heehee, Erik."

    Secondly, your presentation touched on all of the high points in the chapter and was a good review. The pictures were all nice touches! I love your quote and may steal that--it's dark so you won't know. Friends and family, our faith will always help us through our tough times. And without our tough times, would we know to
    appreciate them?

    Have a great weekend, Annette! You really deserve it after all your hard work. :D

  3. Annette,
    Love, Love your power point presentation, graphics were fun! I agree with the Ellumination technology, it's awesome to do work, discuss, eat, and share our thoughts all in the comfort of our in my jammies eating kadu!! It was your time to shine, and you Elluminated the screens!

  4. Annette,

    I said it before and I'll say it again,"Great presentation!" I liked how you helped put all that information from Chapters 6&7 into perspective for the rest of us. It made it that much easier to digest. Thanks!
