Thursday, September 9, 2010

A MAGECal Ellumination!!

I felt the Elluminate session was a success, although there were minor glitches with the microphone and connection, all in all the discussion was informative and Dr. Rivera brought everything in full circle with the review of each chapter.

“We cannot hold a torch to light another's path without brightening our own.” -Ben Sweetland


  1. Yes, Mar! We grow so much by helping others. Yup, Dr. Rivera kept us on-track and shared how all of the information will benefit us as we work with our Students.

  2. Yes, we basically need to "light our own torch" before lighting others' for if we don't prepare ourselves in all the different ways, then we certainly won't be able to properly help the ones that need our help, our students!

  3. A great way to go through the chapters with more insight...ellumination. Hopefully no more technical difficulties on my end.

  4. I also found the ellumination session to be successful. I think the technical bugs will be worked out. I hope it was convenient for everyone as well, I know I enjoyed missing the heavy traffic as well. i agree with Christine and Geri, we really have to know ourselves and exude energy for others to be helped by us.
