Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How to spell Marife

Take care that you never spell a word wrong. Always before you write a word, consider how it is spelled, and, if you do not remember, turn to a dictionary. It produces great praise to a lady to spell well. - Thomas Jefferson to his daughter

Today's lecture was quite educational. Not only did I learn how to say Marife, I learned that it is a derivation of the traditional Mary Faye. I really enjoyed the idea of a word wall, I feel like I should do that in my classroom, particularly because anytime I put up something on the wall that is for my geography class, my history students ask about it, and anytime I put anything on the wall for my history class, my geography students ask about, and we all end up learning something! Hooray! Bam! I just received another idea, I think I will make a word wall of election terms since all of my classes are doing assignments once a week on the elections. There's the power of writing *write* there. I am already doing mini lessons on the spelling of the words as we go through the issues and candidates, in fact, today, our class learned that "buildup" is all one word. Go figure. I also just realized that the word wall of commonly misspelled words would save a lot of time, because, like the book notes, I really prefer to make students use the dictionary to find out for themselves how to spell. Any, thanks to Mar for bring these strategies to our attention, and inspiring us to use them, and thanks to Geri for the cream soda. All in all, today was Mageclly Delicious.

Quote Citation:


  1. Word wall is something that can build on recognition of sight words and vocabulary. I find that a teacher who posts words around the classroom, is someone who creates a meaningful learning environment.

  2. Yes, the Word Wall is such a great idea! I was just thinking of that this afternoon as my students were finishing up their vocabulary quizzes. Why "throw" all that knowledge away? They should be proud that they know the words (at least partly) and should work to build their understanding of these words. As they are introduced to new vocabulary units we can group the similarly-themed ones. The possibilities are endless! Let's all put up MAGEC Walls!

  3. You know, I just got an idea about the Word Wall, myself. I think I'll set up one, not just for the content area vocabulary, but also for the Reading vocabulary. Thanks for everyone pointing it out as a great strategy! Erik, you're very welcome!

  4. Erik,
    just to add on to the history of my name: Mari is the shorter form of Maria which is a common name in the Philippines. Fe, like in Santa Fe is pronounced Faye.(I get alot of "fee") My name is special to me because my father named me after my mom, Fe. The word wall is the subject of the evening....I think it's a great idea for my SPED-Lep students, I plan on putting one up and having my students write their "new" word of the day to "their" wall! It would be great in the end of the year to see how many new words they've learned. Thanks for your insights and sharing!
