Thursday, September 2, 2010

Erik's time to shine!

"Education is a social process, Education is growth, Education is, not preparation for life; education is life itself." -John Dewey

Education-wise this group had grown with similar schemata from the classes we've taken together, and like Dewey says Education is a social process of growth and life. I think that's why we think alike and the lightbulbs go on while we share and discuss. Erik did a great job sharing Chapters 1 & 2, it was an an indept review of what we've learned and the lightbulbs surely went on, and the schemata kicked in.

Erik mentioned baseball and he told me who his favorite baseball player was, so since I don't have a picture of Erik, I'll post his favorite baseball player.

Craig Counsell is a Major League Baseball infielder for the Milwaukee Brewers.
I learned something new today, and in the field of sports! Thanks Erik!!


  1. Mar,
    I was actually going to post a picture of a lightbulb with a candle in it. Seems like everyone is thinking alike tonight!

  2. Maybe it was the bananas and cream puffs that got everybody thinking alike! We're proving it again and again that reading (and learning) is a social process and that Team MAGEC is taking this to heart!

  3. Kudos to Team Magec for an enlightening class session! Thanks to Eric, Chapters 1&2 were simplified for the rest of us. Dr. Rivera's skim-through of the various literacy assessments also provided us with choices to choose from when it comes time to assess our student.

  4. Mar,
    Thanks for posting Craig Counsell! He's one of my favorite players because he's a steady solid fielder, and a consistent hitter. He also is heavily involved in the Milwaukee community helping out and using his celebrity for the good of the community. Anyway, I like how you mentioned that our meaning is quite social in class, I agree, and it looks like that fits right into the socio-cultural perspective.
