Thursday, September 23, 2010

Let's Exercise Together!

Thanks, all, for a good session!  I missed you all and was really thankful that I had a live audience to speak "at" during my presentation.  It's good to hear from and see everyone after the few weeks we've been on Elluminate.  For the feelings of return and reunion, I want to share the following quote from Leo Buscaglia (from

"The fact that I can plant a seed and it becomes a flower, share a bit of knowledge and it becomes another's, smile at someone and receive a smile in return, are to me continual spiritual exercises."

Taken from

As great as it is that the University is moving forward with technology and incorporating online courses into the curriculum, there is still something to be said for face-to-face interaction.  How else can I exercise with you all?  Also I think our students truly benefit from the human touch and seeing our sincere dedication to their success.  I feel that good teachers bring their whole selves into the classroom and in sharing this with others, we also gain a lot back.

I had fun putting the presentation together and condensing the information into two fifteen-minute presentations.  Also getting to try out the assessments in pairs was a good experience and a dry-run is always helpful to preview potential problems or highlight where more preparation is needed.  Geri was an ideal student who loved to be read to and looked forward to gaining more skills as a reader and writer.  I hope all our students turn out the same.  Motivation is half the battle!  


  1. Christine,
    I agree, there is no substitution for a real, live, person in a classroom. Online learning is cool, and neat, and WOW look, we can do cool stuff with computers, but it's quite important to see facial expressions when people are talking as well. You did a great job today, and I quite appreciated the section on assessments. It's one of my favorite bones to pick.

  2. Great job on your presentation. Online courses may be convenient, but face-to-face is where the real experience begins!

  3. loved your presentation! You were able to condense, yet impart the important information on your two chapters. There was a myriad of information to digest, but you hit the focal points. Kudos!
