Thursday, September 9, 2010

"Choose your service provider wisely"

During the first hour of the session, I was glad that everything went smooth sailing online. It made me appreciate how convenient it can be to hold classes through these sessions. However, after that hour had passed, I suddenly lost connection. I kept trying for about twenty to thirty minutes of reconnecting but the service here wasn't getting me through. I like to thank Geri and Christine for entertaining my phone call during the session to notify Dr. Rivera on the problems I was experiencing with the connection. I even went as far as calling my service provider, looking in the phone book for Dr. Rivera's number, trying to get service with my cell phone, and the list goes on! Word of advice, don't believe those local commercials you see on television on how their service is the best. Overall, I was happy to start it off with the group and end it with the group as well. Maybe it was MAGEC after all! As I read the text from Chapters 3, 4, and 5, I found many good resources and information that will help us to begin the assessment process. I think what makes us understand the text better is being able to relate to it through our own personal experiences in the classroom with our students. These books that we have bought will definitely be a good addition to our own library of resources. After the brief anxiety I felt today, I'd like to end with a quote...
"I'm just suggesting that when you're faced with anxiety, don't medicate. Meditate instead."
-Russell Simmons

Image courtesy of


  1. Meditate! Yes, think your happy thoughts and be thankful to the Lord because whatever the trouble there's always more good than bad. I'm glad to hear that though you're faced with a tough bunch this year, you're going to make the most of it and be determined to get even more satisfaction out of helping these students that really need the help.

    On another note, I had the same problems with MCV and I finally broke down to call them. They sent someone out, and he looked at the line and found that the connecting hardware, erm, somewhere, was corroded. He replaced the modem and the part and it's been better. Hope it works out and stops giving you problems!

  2. Annette,
    I'm sorry for your disconnection and what you went through those 30 minutes! But I was glad you were able to reconnect...yes, those commercials are overrated!! When I got the books, I thought wow, they're expensive, but like you said, they make for great resources for our personal library!I can't wait till everything falls into place and we're putting in place all that we've learned thus far, and what a great group to share our expereices with! Go Team MAGEC!!

  3. Annette,
    What else could possibly go wrong for you!)>: But don't worry, because I was in the same boat as you last year, and I survived it. So, hang in there and just try your best; I'm sure that your students see it and appreciate your efforts. You may not think that they do, but even a bright smile or look of enlightenment on their part is an indication that you're doing something right. Our text contains a wealth of information that we can't do without as teachers, so let's make full use of it. Go Team Magec!

  4. Annette,

    No worries. If you have any questions we are here to answer them, and if we can't answer them we will look them up! The text is an awesome resource, and really seems to have all the advice, forms, and explanations we'll need to be reading specialists. All we have to do is motivate, assess, and inspire.
