Thursday, September 30, 2010

Read and Read some more!!

"The more you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go."
Dr. Seuss, "I can Read with My Eyes Shut!"
Did alot of reading this week, catching up with school and homework, and although I tried to present my chapters my mind was with my new baby nephew "Blake". Thank you all for always being supportive and thoughtful. Looking forward to seeing you all next meeting! Have a GREAT payday weekend, be safe and enjoy!


  1. Here we go again Mar, thinking alike. I just posted a quote from Dr. Seuss. You read my mind with your image. You can definitely tell we are elementary teachers, bringing in the early childhood resources:) Hope you feel better.

  2. Wait a minute, same quote. How coincidental is that? MAGEC I guess?

  3. Congrats once again, Auntie Mar! That baby is going to have a great shot at excellent literacy skills with you in his life. Also great quote. It's a good one to share with students, too. Plus it will be a nice intro to Dr. Suess! I enjoyed your presentation and the graphics that went very well with the information. Enjoy your payday weekend and please get well soon! Give Blake a MAGEC kiss for me--when you're well, of course!

  4. Dr. Seuss was and is one of my favorites. I personally like "Do You Know How Lucky You Are?" My parents even nicknamed me "Lucky Lar" for a while as a joke because I read that book so much. I'm rambling. Mar, thanks again for presenting to us.

  5. Actually, I think the book is Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are?

  6. Go Mar,Go Team MAGEC!! Mar, you presented the key points that we needed to know in a nutshell. Thanks for making our reading assignment a little easier! Congratulations on your new nephew!
