Thursday, September 9, 2010

Distance Learning on a 32-mile long Island

At first using Elluminate was awkward for me because of the lack of facial or bodily cues to react to as you speak.  I think it'll be easier to use and more natural once I get the hang of it.  I'm just very glad that I don't have to be out in the dark in this weather, especially with the current traffic situation.  Hope everyone gets home safely!

Even though we expect ourselves to understand the concepts right away (after all, we're Graduate students), I'm grateful for the discussions we have because we're able to learn more from others' perspectives.  Things get highlighted that I might have missed or overlooked, or someone shares a different spin on something I thought I already knew.  Tonight's Elluminate session was no different.  We shared our impressions, guided by Dr. Rivera, and, I hope, are feeling better about what's in store for us--as classroom teachers and as Reading Specialists.

I'm also glad to hear that most of us have made some headway into finding our Students.  I'm so relieved to have found, through a co-worker, a potential Student who lives nearby.  His uncle-in-law is a counselor at my school and the first to respond to an email I sent to a few colleagues that I thought might know a good candidate.  The boy attends GWHS, but has just moved here from Chuuk.  I like that I can easily go over to his high school after my school lets out because they're still in session.  Having done my student teaching at GWHS, I have contacts there who are still friendly.  I just hope it all works out.  I hope everyone is also having similar success.

taken from (This blogger used the same quote with this picture!)

"The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise man grows it under his feet."

For tonight I chose a quote by James Oppenheim to commemorate our venture into Distance Learning and to remind us that Happiness is often right in front of us--or growing under our feet.  I think we need to remember that we have the tools to help our students succeed by virtue of our enthusiasm and dedication to learning.


  1. Christine,
    Glad to hear you have found your student. I think that was the biggest challenge. Now you can begin what we were destined to do...become Reading Specialists!

  2. Christine,
    As usual your insights are deep and your pictures unique, just like the person you are. I am grateful to what your bring to our class and the knowledge you share with us all!

  3. Christine,
    I'm loving the picture! How true the quote is in reference to finding and growing happiness right under our feet. We don't need to go far to look for it; it's all around us,but it's up to us to "nurture" it.

    Our session today was surely elluminating...thanks for your contributions!

  4. Christine,
    Quality picture. Indeed, we have happiness in our group, all around us. I'll take Geri's comment a step further and say we must nurture each other...with Cheetos.
