Thursday, September 2, 2010

Let's go, future Rocket Scientists--er, Reading Specialists!

While Erik's chapters were hefty introductions to the study of Reading, they were thankfully REintroductions to some concepts we've already encountered.  It was good to revisit the topics and to relive some of the memories with everyone.  I have to admit that a lot of the theories about Reading were quite complicated, calling to mind Louisa Moats' quote that "Teaching reading IS rocket science," and sometimes I was a bit lost.  Erik's presentation and our little tangential discussions helped me get a better handle on the topics.  It's Team MAGEC at its best!
I see how having face-to-face sessions and tapping into our prior knowledge this way can really help us on our way to being great Reading Specialists.  Again, as hesitant as I am to get into the nitty-gritty of assessing, I'm also excited to dive in.  Let's go, Reading Rocket Scientists!

Image taken from


  1. Christine,
    We do think alike! Yes, it was great to revisit some familiar concepts that we have learned before. Thanks for the dessert!

  2. Christine,
    I agree. We have our own vocabulary and sets of tests that we use. And I suppose we can take our students to outer space in their imaginations! Good analogy.

  3. Yes, some of the topics and concepts that were discussed through Erik's presentation and the class session are familiar to us through previous courses that we have taken. It was good to revisit them as it activated some of our prior knowledge about them. Thanks for the sweet treat, Christine!

  4. Christine,
    reading from your blog, it seems like you're ready to jump in and tutor your student!! I'm glad we have a group of motivated colleagues, I'm ready too, I may not be a rocket scientist, but I'm a reading specialist in training, and I'm going to take it to the sky!! Go Team MAGEC!!
