Thursday, September 23, 2010

Christine's Day

I really enjoyed Christine's powerpoint presentation on the chapters on Formal Assessments and Interactive Decision Making. As teachers and future reading specialists, we are all too aware that inorder to provide the most appropriate literacy instruction, we must administer as many possible assessments as deemed necessary to properly diagnose the student's weaknesses and strengths. From there, the teacher can perform interactive decision-making in teaching to the student. If done accurately, we should be able to see progress in the development of our student's literacy skills.

Education is not received. It is achieved.”


  1. Ooh! I like your quote, Geri. It's nice and compact, but so powerful. Yup, we need to be careful about how and what we assess our students. Authentic assessments that look at different aspects of the student's abilities must be used.

  2. We are fortunate to have a variety of resources to begin the assessment process. I agree that it is important to use as many as it takes to fully understand the reading abilities of our student.

  3. Indeed mulitple assessment is key!
