Thursday, September 16, 2010

Annette Elluminates

Classroom-Based Assessments Rock! This was a great chapter with lots of resources to look back to! We easily related to the chapter because it was something we’ve used in our classrooms. Another great review with Dr. Rivera
The first step in the acquisition of wisdom is silence, the second listening, the third memory, the fourth practice, the fifth teaching others.Solomon Ibn Gabriol

Simply put, this is us!! Team MAGEC working together for an Awesome Elluminating experience! Annette truly shined.


  1. I like the ending of this post, especially! Yes, Annette truly shined in this Elluminate session. :D Good quote, too! I think I should post this in my classroom.

  2. Annette really did her best in trying to name the different assessments in a nutshell. Awesome!

  3. I agree, classroom based assessments should be the meat of our assessment. Nice quote Mar, I like it because it is blunt, and easily understood. It is also linear, which is good for people like me, because I have a hard time multi-tasking!

  4. Mar,
    Thank you for the comment. These are resources that we will continue to use in our years of teaching.
