Thursday, October 7, 2010

My Day at the "Cleaners!"

image:,itp The limits of my language are the limits of my mind. All I know is what I have words for.

Ludwig Wittgenstein

Today was my turn to present Chapters 14 &15 to the class. If anything that you got out of my presentation, I can only hope that you'll be able to use the strategies and activities one-on-one with your student(s). There was an over-whelming abundance of strategies and techniques that were listed in those two chapters that will positively impact our students if applied correctly. Thanks for your patience and tolerance as I painstakingly went through the chapters.

Dr. Rivera once again went over the necessary information needed to assess and diagnose our students in preparation of their journey to becoming literate readers and writers.

Thanks also for the goodies that were was a great way to begin our session, even though I was the last to try them! Good luck everyone on next week's Reading Clinic session. Go Team MAGEC!!!


  1. Geri, well done on your presentation. Very informative. The images were eye-catching also.

  2. Geri, please know that we sincerely enjoyed your presentation. It's tough to get through and present so much, but you did it well. I loved the tangents about your teaching experiences because it shows that Lipson and Wixson really know their stuff! Your presentation was a great way to close our time with the text and a great transition to our clinic time. Go, Team *GLURK*

  3. Geri,
    I loved your presentation! Alot covered, very informative and appealing to the eyes...I enjoyed Dr. Rivera' "Lipson and Wixson" Can't wait to put all that we've learned into action!

  4. Geri.
    You certainly cleaned up! Thank you for bring the book to an end and wrapping it up. Way to go. Great pictures too.
