Thursday, October 7, 2010

Geri and her tea kettle!

The limits of my language are the limits of my mind. All I know is what I have words for.

The above quote reminds me that in order for our students to express themselves, that we must help them gain the vocabulary to do so. Hence, here is my blog about how cool Geri is.

Today's presentation from Geri was great. I highly enjoyed her specific methods that she shared with us, the tea kettle and the vocabulary vault. I like the tea kettle because it forces the students to use their imagination, and I like the vocabulary vault because it forces the students to use the words in real life, which is perhaps the most authentic strategy a teacher can use. I also liked that she stressed the balance that is necessary between direct instruction of vocabulary and incidental acquisition of vocabulary. I agree that the approaches must be balanced, but I'm pretty sure I use the direct instruction system more often because we do not read at length in social studies, however if I were to teach a reading class, would, of course be reading for quite some time during the week, and students would be incidentally learning vocabulary frequently. Incidentally, I need to acquire some more vocabulary and read some other blogs. G'night!

Quote credit:

Image Credit:


  1. Erik,
    I swear I didn't know you used the same quote until I had finished posting mine! So much for "imagining" the same idea. Thanks for the kind words; I knew I liked you for a reason!!(<:

  2. Funny that you and Geri had chosen the same quote:) Mar and I had the same quote on the last blog as well! I guess we're all on the same thinking path.

  3. I love that Geri and Erik chose the same quote. It shows how much we really do love words. Yes, Erik, I agree: Geri is cool. Her presentation hit all the high points and her stories from her experiences really resonate and help her points have more power. Yay, Geri!

  4. Erik, thank you for guiding me through the assessments! It was fun switching roles you being ESL and me being GATE!! I know we'll do great with our struggling readers. Go team MAGEC!
