Thursday, October 7, 2010

Happy Teachers come from...

Chalk up another great session for Team MAGEC!  Sincerely, Geri, you did an impressive job with all that information.  It was a good run-through of the tips and strategies that the book presented.  We can't say enough about your growth over the semesters.  It's been great to see you in action.  The students of Guam are lucky to have you and the rest of Team MAGEC.  Happy Teacher's Appreciation Week!

The techniques that Geri and the text presented were very structured.  I love this text because it gives us the reasons why its suggestions would be effective--and always gives the teachers their due credit for professionalism.  The text is a bit dense at times, but even if we haven't gotten it all on the first go, we can at least refer back to it easily.  Being a language arts teacher in the high school, I realize I have a lot of freedom compared to those in the elementary and middle schools with reform programs.  I'm glad that I can easily integrate the suggestions into my lessons and be confident that it is backed up by research and thoughtful planning.  I'm glad that we're "through" with the book and that we'll soon be working with our Students, but I think we'll find that the texts are truly invaluable resources as we progress through ED643, ED644, and out into the wild world of post-graduation.

Acting as the student with "Ms. G." today was a real treat.  After going through the word list and narrative reading, we were able to catch up a bit.  She shared that her school has been having a Teacher Appreciation Week complete with daily activities to help commemorate the occasion.  Well, for you, my MAGEC classmates and wonderful, dedicated teachers, I'd like to share the following quote from Donald D. Quinn (taken from

"If a doctor, lawyer, or dentist had 40 people in his office at one time, all of whom had different needs, and some of whom didn't want to be there and were causing trouble, and the doctor, lawyer, or dentist, without assistance, had to treat them all with professional excellence for nine months, then he might have some conception of the classroom teacher's job."

To you who continue to do what you do with such loving concern for our students (even when they're being difficult), Thank You!

Image from


  1. Love your quote. Humorous, yet so true! Every day is a new challenge for teachers. However, for each day that we overcome that challenge, we will look back and realize that nothing is impossible.

  2. Christine, your thoughts are deep, your heart big, and your smile sweet! Your expression of words are poetic.Thank you for sharing! (and for the yummy treats too!)Happy Teacher's Appreciation week!...It should be the whole school year;)

  3. Thanks for the donuts. I like your quote quite a bit, we are certainly required to be all of those things, we certainly settle disputes, help students get over tummy aches and paper cuts, though I've never helped a student with a root canal. Anyway, use your freedom to stuff their brains full of love for language and lots of cool information.

  4. Christine,
    If I can half-write the way you do, I'll stop being a teacher and work as journalist or write books, or something of the sort. Your words are ever inspiring, and I just want you to know that I sincerly appreciate your words of confidence for me. Thanks, and that goes out to everyone else in our group. You guys are the best!
    Although lengthy, the Chapters had a lot of strategies and techniques that will no doubt be beneficial to both teacher and student. It's a matter of putting them to use when appropriate.
