Thursday, October 21, 2010

Assessments and more Assesments

"A teacher affects eternity: he can never tell where his influence stops." Henry Adams

Although, my sessions with my student have been slow in completing my assessments, I am even more motivated to complete the assessments so that I can start my report and brainstorm with strategies to help my student. This assignment and my student is personal to me and I want to do all I can to help him improve in his reading. It was another productive night of discussion! Go Team MAGEC!!


  1. Your sincerity shines through, Mar. You're student will be even more motivated to do his best because he knows you're rooting for him. Yup, I want to get to all of the things I have planned so we can get to the fun part of trying out our strategies and helping out kids succeed.

  2. Your enthusiasm really shines through and through, Mar. We can all do wonders for our students, we just need to stay focused and work hard. Let's keep the MAGEC flowing!

  3. Mar,
    I am impressed with the amount of communication you've had with the parent and teacher to help your student. I think you'll help him immensely this year.

  4. Mar,
    I don't know what happened to the comment I posted last night. Anyway, I wrote how it was nice that you bought his favorite book at the IRA. I also was pleased to see how you were asking him about his interests after the session. Getting to know our students better in a personal level will definitely helps us find ways to increase their motivation for reading.
