Thursday, October 21, 2010


"A common decoding strategy that is taught to struggling readers is called chunking. If students have developed some proficiency with phonemes, they can begin chunking unfamiliar words."

Peter Waycik

I first want to thank all of you for the strategies you talk about when you are helping the younger readers. Because my experience with that age is limited (Sylvan tutoring only), your discussions help solidify the strategies in my head. Today, "chunking" was mentioned several times, and I recalled that can really help students, especially with groups of letters that aren't phonetic. Some classic examples include "tion" pronounced "shun", and "ious" as "us". And at the more elementary level, the blends of "ph" as "f" and "dge" as "j". These reminders are extremely beneficial. As I was listening, I realized that chunking can be applied to life as well. I also chunk the work I must get done! I will do chunks each day, each week, or sometimes month, and that way it all doesn't look so daunting and build up over time, and I have more time at the end to relax. Anyway, thank you for the discussion, and I will fill you in on my make-up session when it happens. Until then, keep it chunky.

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  1. I wish I could chunk as you do, Erik! I need to take yet another lesson from you and just buckle down. I should really brush up on my basics. At least DI and the other reform programs have the benefit of making teachers more aware of the different components of reading. We know a balanced approach (between phonics and whole language, etc) is needed, and I'm lacking in that department. I need to chunk up my schema!

  2. D.I. definitely starts us from scratch. Beginning with identifying sounds, pronunciation, chunking, you name it! However, the strategies we are learning from these reading courses will be more effective for all types of learners and their reading abilities.

  3. Erik,
    hope you're feeling better! Thanks for reminding us about our midterm reflection, I would've not known it was due, if you hadn't mentioned it tonight! I need to start "chunking" my assignments as well, I really don't want to stress about it when it's due. Like you, we can start typing out our report on the information we already have. Slowly but surely we can get the work done. Looking forward to session #3.

  4. That word, "chunking" is big in SFA (Success for All). Actually, I think it does help the readers decode unfamiliar words. This is one reading strategy that really works. Let's keep on CHUNKING!
