Thursday, October 21, 2010

Just One of Those Days!

The object of teaching a child is to enable him to get along without his teacher

(Elbert Hubbard)

YIKES! What a disaster! Today's session couldn't have been any worse. Nothing seemed to turn out the way I thought it would; even the ride up was probably a sign of what was to happen. As my student pointed out when I cut in front of a car and the driver honked his horn at me, "That's what you get for cutting!"

As for the session, we didn't accomplish much because my student had difficulty reading and consequently, it took awhile before he finished the passage. Halfway through the story, he asked me if I was bored, which took me by surprise because I must have looked it, even though I wasn't aware that I was. To make matters worse, I forgot to turn the taperecorder on halfway through our session, so I was only able to record parts of it. My student was the one who noticed it and was quick to point it out by saying, "Hey, aren't you going to turn on the recorder?" Then, I did the unforgivable: I administered incorrectlythe retelling portion of the oral narrative passage, so now I have to redo the whole thing on our next session.

Finally, the icing to the cake was when my computer kept acting up and wouldn't let me space between words,and so I had to wait some time before it went back to normal. I tell you, couldn't I have it any worse? Thank God my student kept his cool about the whole fiasco, which is more than I can say for myself!


  1. Oh Geri,
    We forgive you, there were no unforgivable mistakes in ED 643. I think the cool part about today was that you now know exactly how to administer, and remember, if you are unsure, you can always ask one of us, and if we don't know, we'll ask Dr. Rivera. That's what we're paying her for! Keep on keepin' on. God will see you through.

  2. Yes, Erik, we're learning the ropes and this isn't the end. Geri, you're doing something right if your student is still motivated after all that stress you went through. Be inspired by his youthful enthusiasm and know that it's all going to turn out well. :D

  3. So, sorry it wasn't your day! We all have "those days" I know how you feel. Thank goodness for team MAGEC, we've got your back! Like Erik says, you can always ask us or Dr. Rivera, we've got team support and collaboration. Let's get more work done next session!

  4. Geri,
    Don't worry, we all go through those days. Maybe in different situations, but we definitely have "those days." You have our support throughout the entire process.
