Thursday, October 14, 2010

Here's to a Great Beginning!

You might be one person to the world, but the world to one young person


Fasten your seatbelts everyone, because there's no turning back, now! Let's do what we set out to do. My student and I not only had a productive first session, but a fun one at that. By his remarks of ..."This is cool!" and "I'm having fun!", I could tell that he really enjoyed his first session with me , and that's how I like it. If today's any indication of what's to come, then I say, "Bring it on!" Being an active boy and having a short attention span, I know that my work's cut out for me, but with a lot of patience and the right strategies, I have no doubt that he'll have a good chance of developing his literacy skills. Thanks to my student's parents for allowing me the chance to work with him, thanks also to Dr. Rivera for her expertise and guidance as we approach each session with our minds set on helping our " chosen ones," and finally, thanks to all of you for being the best partners one could have for this experience of a lifetime! TEAM MAGEC ROCKS!!


  1. "Bring it on", indeed! I'm so glad that you and your student had a fun time. That will really help the sessions go smoothly if he's motivated to be there and keep doing his best. Who wouldn't enjoy some one-on-one time with Ms. G?

  2. You're student is definitely motivated. It's students like him that make teachers such as ourselves smile. Don't forget to take him to the movies:)

  3. Geri,
    I like your quote, I think our students do look up to us, and we have to mindful and purposeful in our actions around them. I'm happy that you are helping your student improve, and look forward to hearing about his improvements in the future.

  4. Wow, Geri,
    that's a big responsibility "to be the world to a young person" but like you said, "bring it on!" There isn't anything Team MAGEC can't do!...and if we stumble,we've got each other's back!
