Thursday, October 14, 2010

Always Remember and Never Forget

"Always Remember, and Never Forget" - Mike Miller (Erik's Dad)

My biggest flaw today was forgetting to ask the prediction questions on the first reading assessment. Whoops. I will make a big deal out of it in my head, and perhaps tie a string to my finger to help me remember. My student is motivated to improve and told me that he has already improved since elementary and is looking forward to improving more. I think he likes the challenge of trying to get a certain amount right, as at the end he wanted to do more readings to see if he could get to the instructional level. Hopefully this will motivate him. He reads books about woodworking at home and is quite skilled in building items out of wood, he can explain, with some help how to build tables and podiums! So I know he is smart, and if I show him what to do, and demonstrate what to do, he'll be able to figure it out. Additionally, he also needs schema building in all subjects (except perhaps woodworking). Both of the readings were quite unfamiliar to him. I think I will give him the Shortcuts cartoon from the Sunday paper to help him build his schema. Geri, if you're reading this, can you save your Sunday paper and bring it to class next Thursday? That'd be great. It sounds like everyone else has made some good assessments after day 1. Way to go!

Image Credit:

Quote Credit: My Memory


  1. I think your Dad would be very happy to know that you quoted him in your blog today. He's not only made a big impression in your life, but in our lives now too! Those were great insights about your student, Erik. I hope to do more with my student and also be able to pinpoint which areas I can help him with. That you know that he's smart and capable will also come out in your interactions with him and help him build confidence. I'm looking forward to all of us doing well.
    On another note, did you know that the author of that section in the Sunday comics once lived on Guam? He was featured in the paper for that a while back. I think he mentioned that the little crab was inspired by his time here--but then again I can't say for certain since I'm not that adept at following your father's advice.

  2. Erik,
    I like your Dad's quote, sounds like something my Dad would say! My Dad's favorite quote: "This is the beginning of the end, or the End of the beginning!" He thought he was so funny...I really don't know if that's an orignal quote or something he made up, but he wasn't really funny, his quotes, AND jokes were so "corny" you just had to laugh! Yes, I concur despite our "first session jitters" I think we did well! Great first session everyone!!

  3. Erik
    I'm so glad that you chose Peter as your target student for our Reading Clinic. He makes a perfect candidate, since he has the potential to excel; he just needs to be guided and given that extra push in the right direction through the literacy strategies and your own "MAGECAL" touch. I have every confidence that you're the right person to do just that! If the rest of you are wondering why I know so much about Erik's student, it's because I had him in 3rd grade. Good luck Erik!

  4. Erik,
    Having a child who is motivated will make things run more smoothly. The fact that he also wants to improve is indication that he is going to try his best. I'm glad that we have all found our potential candidates.
