Thursday, October 7, 2010

Let us hope for smooth sailing throughout our course.

"We are all inventors, each sailing out on a voyage of discovery, guided each by a private chart, of which there is no duplicate. The world is all gates, all opportunities." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Let the countdown begin! Today's session was in full effect. First, Geri's presentation provided many insightful concepts from Chapter 14 and 15. With Chapter 14, I was glad the book had mentioned about the Direct Instruction and Incidental Learning. Before we started the reform programs in our elementary schools, the term "Direct Instruction" was not part of our methods. Many of us geared toward the "Incidental Learning" concept. However, I agree with how Geri mentioned that is it best to have a balance of both when teaching. In regards to Chapter 15, I thought it was interesting how the idea that students are told many times to take home assignments and simply "study it." It is necessary that schools do provide support and concepts for teaching students the procedures of how to study. During the second half of today's session, I was glad that we all had the opportunity to practice our assessment session with a partner. This gave us the chance to have hands-on of what to do prior to our first session. The QRI-4 book is practically our bible as we continue this class. Best wishes to Team Magec!

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  1. Very true, Annette! Sometimes we take for granted that the students know the ins and outs of studying (and other skills). I think the book's recurring theme is "Balance." I was also thankful for the practice session with our partners. It's exciting that soon we'll be able to try out everything we've learned, but nerve-wracking as well. Whatever happens, we'll just be sure to learn as much as we can from the experience. Good luck to us all!

  2. I agree, the practice session with our partner today gave an insight into what to expect for our assessment. It was hard not to laugh when you have a partner like Erik who tries hard to be the "ESL" student when we all know he's GATE!! Yes, balance is key and we have a wide range of assessment tools! So yes, Good luck to as all! Go Team MAGEC!

  3. Annette,
    I agree with your statement regarding teaching students how to study. I think I fail my students in that regard. That is another area to work on. We have to teach them how to use flashcards, how to use their knowledge during the day to help remember it and so forth. Good point.

  4. Here's to a good start in our Reading Clinic with our students, a productive semester with them, and a great ending in December, until we have to continue in the Spring with them, again. I have faith that it'll work out for all of us; we only have to remember what our goal is and equip ourselves with the know-how to achieve it. TEAM MAGEC, YOU CAN DO IT!
