Thursday, October 7, 2010

Geri has a way with WORDS!

Great presentation Geri! I loved the vibrant colors of your images! I especially like the image of the boy reading a book with stacks of books on his head, it brought to mind the word "osmosis". I learned new strategies for reading and writing you explained the concepts well. You also brought me back to "aesthetic and efferent", romancing and scaffolding. It was once again a great review!
I'm glad we had the chance for another Team MAGEC picture, it was fun! Thank you again for the snacks and yet another productive meeting. Looking forward to our first assessment!

"Words are the voice of the heart." -Confucius

How can you go wrong when it comes from the heart? Go Team MAGEC!


  1. You're right Mar. Many of the topics that Geri discussed today were a recap of what we have learned in our previous classes. I believe the aesthetic and efferent reading was actually part of a paper we had to write on last semester. Definitely a productive meeting!

  2. I like your quote Mar. We certainly need the correct words to best express what our hearts are feeling. Yeah, I wish osmosis worked for me too, but I know for me, talking about what I read and it's implications for other aspects of my life helps me the most.

  3. I'm glad you liked the graphics and the review of some of the strategies we learned in our previous classes. Like what the authors, Lipson and Wixson stated, it's not so much what we know, but how we apply it. Go TEAM MAGEC!

  4. Yes, Mar, another productive meeting! We got a lot done and were able to review a significant amount of information. Though this has been a long week for me, I was surprised to find that time had passed so quickly this session. It must be MAGEC!
