Thursday, October 14, 2010

...And they're off!

     It was great to finally start our clinic sessions.  I have to admit that I was a bit nervous and neurotic earlier today, putting all my copies together and making sure that I had everything planned and ready to go.  From talking with my student and his family, I know how important learning English and being a successful student is for them.  His mother hopes that he'll be able to follow in his father's footsteps and become a teacher.  From his first session today, I can see that he's well on his way!  
     I think we'll end up motivating each other to do our best.  Working with ELLs everyday at work has helped me to know what to expect with AR, but I also want to keep in mind that he's his own person and to let the data speak for itself since the QRI-4's strength is that it's data- and research-driven.  I think AR, his family, and all of us would agree with Mortimer J. Adler that "Reading is a basic tool in the living of a good life."  Here's to all of us providing our session kids and our regular students with the best tools for the living of a good life!  Go, Team MAGEC!

(image from
quote from


  1. Christine, this boy is not only fortunate to have a father as a teacher, but a second teacher such as yourself who is assisting him in the reading process. I think it's great how his family is supportive in regards to helping with the interpretation. Family support is essential for the success of our students.

  2. Yes, we are!! we're are all off to a great start despite the "first session jitters"! I'm glad we able to share our experiences and slowly build up to better sessions. I'm glad to know that your student has family support, sometimes parents get so caught up with work and bills, they forget to recognize the importance of supporting their child in Annetted mentioned, he is not only lucky to have a supportive family but a Great teacher in you!!

  3. Is that magnifying glass missing the glass? Anyway, I'm interested and excited to see how your sessions go as I am also working on my TESOL degree. Give him a lot to read on his own, and if he's motivated like you say, I think he'll take off on his own.

  4. First day jitters over with, now we can begin the process of "making a difference." Your student may be older than the rest of ours, but he still needs the assistance,guidance and reading tools that's needed to set him on the path to literacy. Go, TEAM MAGEC!

  5. Christine,
    You are correct, (as far as I remember), Jeff Harris did live on Guam for a while, and I also heard that the crab character was inspired by Guam. It's a fun cartoon, I always learn something new from it! Check it out every Sunday.
