Thursday, October 14, 2010

"E for Effort"

A very productive day with my student. The first session gave us an idea of what we need to do for our next session and what level we want to begin with. It felt good not just to be a teacher, but someone who can make a difference in the reading abilities of a single student. I can't even begin to describe the sense of warmth I felt knowing that although this is just the first step, in the ending it will be rewarding. It is a single act of assistance that makes me think back when I was in grade school. The teachers who have made a great impact in my life and how I will never forget them. We have our purpose in life and sometimes we say it is "our calling." If this is what we were truly meant to do, that is to teach and assist younger children, then let us do it with every best effort we have instilled in us. I give our team MAGEC all the credit for being full-time teachers and continuing our education after school hours. We will one day look back and smile at the success achieved.

"The first step in the acquisition of wisdom is silence, the second listening, the third memory, the fourth practice, the fifth teaching others." - Solomon Ibn Gabriol

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  1. Annette,
    I agree! I didn't feel like the teacher in school, I felt like a person who wanted to know more and do more to help this child succeed. I guess we're in a different place, with a specific goal and the tools to achieve what we been "reading" all those weeks. We're finally where we wanted to be: assessment, strategies, and instruction! Yes, we're doing it all, work, school, family and our personal lives, all rolled into one! Isn't it just MAGECal?!

  2. I know, right? Maybe being able to bond more with the student helps. I guess it also helps that we can really see the needs and gains with our students since we're focused on documenting everything. We can get excited about each piece of data we collect without it getting too overwhelming.

  3. We've all gone through and experienced that certain "MAGECAl" time in our lives when we were made to feel so special by a teacher(s). That's probably why we are in the position that we're in,now. It's our turn to make a difference in our students' lives, and have them achieve that same "MAGECAL" feeling. Let's give it to them, TEAM MAGEC!

  4. I like your quote a lot Annette, good choice. Sometimes a bit of silence can teach us quite a bit, listening even more, and finally teaching it can solidify what we've learned. I think you're attitude is in the right place and you will certainly be successful.
