Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"Happy Birthday Dr. Rivera"

"Because time itself is like a spiral, something special happens on your birthday each year. The same energy that God invested in you at birth is present once again."
--Menanchem Mendel Schneerson

Tis' the season to be jolly. My mind is fully set to blog today thanks to the good food that we have eaten for Dr. Rivera's birthday. Team MAGEC definitely works well together. As I continue to work on the Diagnostic Report I realize that this is perhaps one of the most important papers I have written in my graduate courses that I have taken. For one, it requires necessary data in order to complete the report. Secondly, this is an actual student that we were assessing. Finally, we are not only presenting this to the committee members, but the parents of the student as well. Maybe I'm just putting too much pressure on myself. I had to get some last minute data for my report which included the SAT 10 report. I had trouble finding it in the cumulative folder because it had to be filed by the homeroom teachers. I also had use my lunch recess time to complete one last assessment task with my student. The semester is drawing near and there are only two messages left to say in this blog..."Merry Christmas everyone." Also, "Happy Birthday Dr. Rivera."


  1. Annette,
    I know! It's hard to even start your report if you don't have all your data in front of you. As a matter of fact, before class today, I was at Price Elementary picking up SAT 10 scores and report cards. I like working sessions with Team MAGEC because we can share suggestions and encouragement...not to mention the delcious food. Right now I'm enjoying the Christmas music!....Merry Christmas to you!

  2. We're all in the Christmas mood! I know we really need to focus at least for the next few weeks before getting carried away, so I'm doubly, triply glad that we have a great team to spur us on and keep us on track. Happy Birthday, Dr. Rivera!

  3. Stress will always be with us; the key is to learn how to manage it, which I have no doubt you're great at doing! (<:
    We're on the right track, Annette...let's just keep going and see where it leads us!

  4. I agree Annette, this paper is rigorous, but rewarding in that it really prepares us to do the real deal should we be called to do so. Straight on to the prize.
