Wednesday, December 8, 2010


"Contentment is not the fulfillment of
of what you want, but the realization of
how much you already have."
-Author Unknown
I really don’t need to go shopping to feel the spirit of Christmas…I am thankful and content with the friendships I already have…they are like little presents in my heart! Thank you for sharing, helping, laughing and eating with me! You are what make the MAGEC in Christmas!! Take your reports and “wrap” it up and enjoy the holidays!


  1. Oh, you. Thank you so much for your friendship, Mar. I will miss you in the month or so I won't get to see you, but I'm very content with what we've shared thus far. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Your friendship is the very best Christmas gift you could have given me--same goes for the rest of Team MAGEC!

  2. I'm also feeling the Christmas spirit now, especially since my son and his girlfriend put the outdoor lights up. May I just say that I couldn't have had a better team to work with than Team Magec- you guys are the best!

    The case report will be finished by tomorrow, even if I have to stay up all night, tonight!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family, MAR!

  3. Mar,
    There are many things to be grateful for this year. Most especially, having the opportunity to work with such a wonderful team. I guess we are "MAGEC" after all.

  4. I hear those sleigh bells jingling...that song just popped into my head when I read your blog. Good one! You've been a great classmate, and I look forward to next semester. Have a great break!
