Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Birth of a New Beginning...A Birthday Celebration!

Our birthdays are feathers in the broad wing of time

Jean Paul Richter

This is it....what we've all been gearing up for! Assessments are over, and now it's time to document the results on paper to make it legitimate. My only concern is, of course, the minimal amount of assessments performed on my student. Try as I may, I really don't think I have done enough as far as testing goes. But, I could only do as much as he would allow me to. After all, his attention span is on the short side, not to mention how very active he is. So, I can only hope and pray that what I did with him is enough to properly diagnose his level.

On another note, "Happy Birthday, Dr. Rivera!" May God bestow his blessings on you and see you through many more birthdays to come. Enjoy what's left of your special day!
Thanks everyone for making our party "magecal" for Dr. Rivera...Go, Team!

Quote: http://www.useful-information_info/quotations/birthday_quotes.html#general



  1. Geri,
    I'm sure whatever information you do have will be enough to complete your paper. After all, you are definitely a good writer! Remember that paper you wrote on Holly last semester? Well that is indication of your writing abilities. Good luck with the paper.

  2. Geri,
    You can do it! Be methodical, and like your photo, don't forget to take the bird's eye view in your conclusion and interpretations section.

  3. Geri, you're so humble regarding your abilities. You have done so much and grown exponentially! Your student and your diagnostic case report will benefit greatly from your sensitivity and heartfelt dedication.

  4. Let's Go Geri! Let's get it done so we can enjoy our Christmas Break!! I know you can do it! You've got a brilliant mind and tons of teaching exprience behind you...good luck and hope you hit target on this one as well!
