Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Teacher's Job

Teaching should be full of ideas instead of stuffed with facts
Today's session was awesome...I actually accomplished what I had planned to do with my student. This is great, because it means that I'm either getting better at giving tests, or my student has gotten my assessment routine down pat, or as Mar pointed out earlier, could it be because he knew all those goodies were waiting to be munched on during breaktime? At any rate, I now have a pretty good feeling where he's at as far as instructional level in reading. I just need to assess him a little bit more, and then, I'll be on my way to starting my diagnostic case report.
I want to end this posting by wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and to let you know how much I value your friendship and support. May God Bless you all!
image: teaching images: www.


  1. Ha! Now I'm the first one to comment! :) Anyway, great work Geri, glad that you feel confident in giving reading assessment, that will certainly come in handy should you ever take a position as a reading specialist!

  2. ...and this time I am the second to comment. It is indeed a great feeling to have accomplished something during our assessment with our student. Happy Belated Birthday Geri and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family as well.

  3. Third! Well, Geri, I think it's all of the above. I think we can think of it as your student blossoming from his time with you. Next semester is going to go by all the more smoothly! Happy Thanksgiving to you and the rest of Team MAGEC!

  4. Boo-Hoo!! I'm last, but that's okay, we always save the best for last (haha)I can't believe all the stress we have over the Diagnostic Report! We really just got to put our fingers on the key board and just keep typing! Insert table in windows and plug in the results. Let's complete it and move forward Yay! Have a Wonderful Christmas Break!!
