Wednesday, December 8, 2010

'Thoughts for today"

"Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams."-Ashley Smith

The other day we had a break to honor our saint. As I was driving with my mother down in the southern part of the island, I couldn't help but look at my surroundings. The mountains were so high up as if they were touching the sky. The clouds were a perfect blue. The ocean seemed so still and the trees swayed softly. It was at that moment that I thought about how fortunate we are to live to see each day. I guess why I am blogging this information is because my good friend's body will be coming in this week for his burial. We grew up as childhood friends and just last session, he was murdered off-island. He left behind his children and a family who loved him dearly. As I was searching the Internet for appreciation quotes, I came across the one I quoted on the top of this blog from Ashley Smith. I felt a sense of accomplishment submitting my Diagnostic Report. Although the changes and approval are pending, I can honestly say that I devoted my time to complete that. It was about time that I stopped procrastinating. Even if that meant giving up going out for a night out, or waking up at dawn on days off to keep typing away. I'm thankful to have you all as group members. Remember that life is too short to sweat on the small least that's what I have to keep telling myself. "God bless you all."


  1. My dear Annette may the Lord be with you during this time of sorrow. Last night I was talking with my sister in law about how expensive it was for a funeral and the 9-day rosaries where family put out I told her I would make a living will. One day funeral, no rosaries, and it would be a celebration of good memories shared. No tears aloud, only if it's tears of joy! Remember your friend and the wonderful memories you both had.
    Know that Team MAGEC is here for you.

  2. 'Nette, that was such a great quote. Being so caught up with work and school can only hurt us. We have to take the time to breathe and appreciate our family, friends, and other blessings. Thank you so much for this reminder--and it couldn't have come at a better time. We'll be keeping your friend in our prayers. God bless you and your family this Christmas, too!
    Mar, at least have your close friends and family host a personal rosary. I agree it's costly to host a bigger one, but then again also a way for people to come together to share the many stories and memories of the deceased. hehehe Just a thought. Love you!

  3. Annette,
    Sorry about the loss of your friend. Having a loved one die is painful and in such a horrible way, is almost unbearable. But,like Mar said, cherish the memories you had together, and trust in the Lord that your friend is now in a safe place.

    Doing the case report is really tough, so much so that I'm completely exhausted mentally. Maybe I put too much information down. I'll soon find out.
    Happy Holidays and may God bless you!

  4. Indeed. Sometimes we must sacrifice our personal time for our students. I spent the entire day after Thanksgiving working on all the parts of my report that I could. Guam is a beautiful place, it's great to see someone appreciate it's beauty. You've been a great classmate, I look forward to 644.
