Thursday, December 2, 2010

To endure, toward GREATNESS

After the Thanksgiving break, it's now back to W-O-R-K!  I'm glad to be able to come back to my favorite Team (Team MAGEC, of course) and be encouraged and moved to work.  It's tough handling this on my own, and my predilection for procrastination would otherwise likely get the better of me if I were to only depend on my own steam.  Let us all remember, and take heart as we face this monster of a report head on, William Makepeace Thackeray's words, "To endure is greater than to dare; to tire out hostile fortune; to be daunted by no difficulty; to keep heart when all have lost it; to go through intrigue spotless; to forego even ambition when the end is gained--who can say this is not greatness?" (


I have always said that it will be great and we will all do well.  I think between the five of us, Thackeray would certainly agree that we've earned this title and more.  Great people can only do great things.  So let's get to it!


  1. Christine,
    I was just commenting to Annette how I love working sessions with Team MAGEC because we could share and encourage each other. Like you, I know we'll do great, because we play as hard as we work....or should I say we eat as hard as we work! Thank you for coordinating the potluck, the cake was delish! Looking forward to completing our report and moving on to 644!! Merry Christmas CJ!!

  2. Christine,
    Love the picture with the quote. Very inspirational! There are no lessons to be learned in life without the trials that come with it.

  3. Chris,
    This will be my third time trying to post my comment on your blog. Something went wrong and I couldn't earlier. Let's see if this works, now. Anyway, it just behooves me how you always seem to have the right words to encourage and comfort us. Someone's got to do it, and you're IT!! Keep the faith, everyone...we're going to make it! (<:

  4. I'm really just going to thank you for using the word predilection in such a way that I could figure out its meaning. You can do it! Finish it off. That paper is already done, it just doesn't know it yet.
