Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Very Best: Team MAGEC!

I know we've all been chugging along as well as any aspiring Reading Specialists can be expected.  I've just sent in my Diagnostic Case Report.  There were so many portions where I wished I could have done more with my student to help bolster the data.  While I now have a better plan to help him succeed next semester and my work cut out for me, I also know that I could have done more.  However, reading through some quotes, the following, attributed to Abraham Lincoln, helped me feel better about my progress, and I hope it helps you all too:
 "I do the very best I know how--the very best I can; and I mean to keep on doing so until the end" (
(image taken from

We're here at the end of the semester.  We'll just have to wait for our revisions and comments, but I'm very proud of all we've accomplished despite whatever curveballs we've had thrown at us.  Though I won't be with you all next week, I will be missing you--even as I get to stop missing my husband whom I haven't seen in 6 months.  Thank you for all your help and support.  I know I couldn't have gotten this much done or as effectively without help and input from each and everyone letter from Team MAGEC.  With Dr. Rivera, we're MAGECR--even better!  Merry Christmas to all of you.  Wishing us all a restful, safe, enjoyable, love-and-happiness-filled, well-deserved break!  See you in January!


  1. Ooh! I've worked so hard on this for my other classes so please check it out when you can!

    Lemme brag about these while I have something to brag about: (--a work in progress...)

  2. Christine,
    My best wishes go out to you and yours as you take your wedding vows for the second time. I hope your husband realizes how lucky he is to have you as his wife. Congratulations, again.

    I tried to finish the case report tonight, but as usual, I'm always last to turn in anything. Sorry guys, I guess it's what's called "Senioritis"!!

    Happy Holidays everyone, and may you enjoy our Magecal Christmas break- see you next year!!

  3. Christine,
    Two blessings for you during this month. "Congratulations on the celebration of your upcoming wedding." I am sure it will be a beautiful occassion. Also, "Merry Christmas to you and your family."

  4. CJ,
    Ahahahah! I Love it: MAGECR!!! Awe my dear, I wish you a safe flight, a MAGECal Wedding, a blessed Christmas and a Fruitful New Year!!;)No tears allowed....unless it's tears of joy!
    ED643 is just about done...Let's roll up our sleeves for ED644!! Go Team MAGEC!

  5. Christine,
    I'm glad you've quoted Lincoln, he certainly must have endured more that we ever have! Have a great time in the Philippines and I wish you a blessed matrimony. Thanks for being an awesome classmate.
