Thursday, November 18, 2010

ED643 Diagnostic Case Report Criteria and Happy Thanksgiving!

If you can read this, thank a teacher.
~ Anonymous Teacher ~

Dear ED643 Students,

Happy Thanksgiving! I'm sure that your students are grateful for all that you've done for them. As you continue to work closely with them with the various reading sessions (especially during next semester), they will READ with a more positive disposition. Keep up the instrumental work, and don't forget that you must include the following in your diagnostic case report before it can be approved:

1. For the interview with the child, it is not enough to list the child’s responses. You must also analyze the responses to describe what the data reveal about the child’s perceptions of him/herself as a reader and writer.

2. Determine the independent, instructional, and frustration levels on graded word lists, oral reading of narrative and expository, silent reading of oral and expository, as well as listening comprehension.

3. Compare these levels and analyze the data to describe the child as a reader in the conclusion of the report. Ensure that you also summarize the child as a writer in the conclusion. List and describe the recommended strategies for both reading and writing.

4. Provide an analysis of the miscues that the students made on the graded word lists and the passages. Read the section in the QRI-4 on how to analyze the miscues.

Do your best to include the aforementioned, so that you can prepare a quality Diagnostic Case Report to share with the parents. Good luck!

Best regards,
Dr. Rivera

Book image source:

Thanksgiving image source:


  1. Dr. Rivera,
    I give thanks and respect for great professors like you! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!! Enjoy your holiday:)

  2. Dr. Rivera,
    Thanks for all the help,tips,and guidance that you've offered to all of us. It's professors like you that make the students' "blood, sweat, and tears" all worth it. Happy Thanksgiving Day to you and your family!
