Thursday, November 18, 2010

MAGECal Support!

We're half way there and I don't how I could've done this without all your support! It's been such an experience thus far, I look forward to writing my diagnostic case report, as I'm sure all of you are! I just want to wish everyone a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! Like what my post says: I Thank my God upon every rememberance of you. -Philippians 1:3


  1. Mar,
    We all thrive on each other's support, and thank God for our MAGECAL team. We've got our work cut out for us, but like everyone else, I'm nervous, yet eager to start the implementation of the strategies on my student next semester. How proud and thankful we'll be when our students reap the benefits of all of our hard work. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

  2. The diagnostic case report indeed! I am looking forward to finishing it as well, time to clear the schedule! Keep up the good work Mar.

  3. We've reached our first obstacle together. Let us continue to support one another for our next journey ahead. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.

  4. Oh, yes. That Diagnostic Case Report. Well, we'll get through it too with everybody's help and support. We'll certainly deserve our Christmas break! Thanks so much for your peppiness and positive encouragement, Mar.
