Thursday, November 4, 2010

"Real strength comes from within"

"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength."-Arnold Schwarzenegger

What a day! It all started with the morning. I was one of the teachers selected to participate in the testing being administered to determine what areas our students need improvement in regards to Language Arts and Math. My poor students were not even permitted to use calculators or rulers. The testing took about an hour and then back to D.I. schedule. I was able to get off during the early afternoon to go to my jury service. Although it was just an orientation, it seemed like forever. All I kept doing was looking at the time because I really hoped to get out on time to pick up my student and bring her to the clinic. Thank the Lord for his blessings and giving me the strength to get through a hectic day. However, tomorrow is the presentation for the Language Arts Conference so that is just half the battle of a busy week! My student was such a joy today. She was able to help me determine that level two was her frustration, level one was independent, and the primer is her instructional level based on three different assessments from today. I know though that she was getting tired so I decided I better wrap it up. Once again, I thank God for guiding me to get through today.


  1. Good job finding the levels of your student! I hope jury duty is interesting. I"m glad to hear you are fulfilling your civic duty! You can do it, indeed God is with you.

  2. Oh! You are being pulled every which way! Your quote suits you and shows just how really tough you are. After this trial of fire, you'll be tried, tested, and TRUE. I am confident you'll do well tomorrow and as you finish your assessments and your case report.

  3. God always comes through for us, in good times and in bad. Our strength lies not only in how strong we are on the outside, but also on the inside. And with God by our side, we will overcome any challenge that comes our way. Good job with your student today!

  4. I've turned to God in my lowest moments and he has always come through! He will never let you down. I see and feel your struggles, but I know it will only make you stronger! Keep up the great work, your doing AWESOME;)
