Thursday, November 4, 2010

Working Alone!

Although my student did not show up today, I plan to call and reschedule for a meeting next week. I did get a chance to start my Diagnostic Case Report, which I felt was a productive start. Sometimes it's such a pain when things don't go your way, but I have learned to accept things, think about it, get over it and like the quote says: " Get ready for success."


  1. I LOVE your quote, Mar. I think I'm going to steal it--and that all of team MAGEC can attest to its truth. Painful events have only led us to all the success and happiness we've encountered in life. Ready or not, Success is coming!

  2. Christine is right. Your quote is great. I like the image too! On the up side, you're on a roll with your diagnostic report. Glad to hear during our sharing session that you enjoyed starting it. That's something I need to get moving with.

  3. You're one step ahead of me, at least with starting the diagnostic report. You're right about accepting things the way they are; along with the setbacks are the successes. There's no way but up from this point on. Team MAGEC, go for it!

  4. I know how you feel. Keep planning ahead and staying ahead of the game.
