Thursday, November 18, 2010

Finally, some clarity.

Orchestras have become used to the emphasis on the separation of layers, of the ultimate precision and clarity. - Esa Pekka Salonen

Today was good, I was able to determine, with clarity, with separate layers, my student's independent level. He ran roughshod over the level three readings. I'm going to test him incessantly on the level four to see if he can hit instructional, but we'll see, I'm not sure where to put him if he test at frustrational at both levels five and six. Regardless, I was excited that he read the Shortcuts this week, and hopefully found that he can recall information that he reads when prompted. I also had him choose which type of reading to do today, the expository or narrative, and he chose the narrative, so for fun reading, over the break, I'm going to try and find some good fourth grade narrative books and stories I can have him read at the beginning of the semester, and some fifth grade books for him to read toward the end. I might look for boxing since he mentioned he likes PXC fighting. We'll see what I can rustle up while I'm in the states. Anyway, it was nice to get a little more clarity on that as well. That's all for now.

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  1. Eric, even a little bit of clarity give us an idea of what we need to do. Glad to hear you had a productive session. Remember, 82' rocks.

  2. Isn't it great to finally have your eggs in a basket? It's great "knowing," you know? Have a great time in the States, and I know your student is really going to do well with your help. The books are going to be a great motivation, especially if he realizes that they were handpicked especially for him!

  3. Erik,
    It looks like it's all coming together, even with a couple of missed sessions. I'm glad we're half way there. After we've gathered our assessments and put the results in charts and tables, we'll just have the writing of our diagnostic reports to do!! I wish you well, and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!!

  4. Erik,
    Clarity is what makes sense out of all the confusion that we've endured in our sessions with our students. Here's to a productive beginning to literacy development among all of them. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your wife!
