Thursday, November 4, 2010

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet


We're nearing the end of our assessment sessions with our students and I'm feeling very insecure right now, maybe because try as I may, I know that I haven't conducted nearly enough tests to properly diagnose him. I'm pretty sure I know where his functional and independent levels are at, but without the right amount and types of assessments, I wouldn't be doing him justice by second-guessing his reading levels. So, with his parent's permission, I'll be conducting more everyday after school, starting next week.
Our situation is not due to a lack of willingness to cooperate, but rather on the contrary. He's gets really excited and motivated to start our sessions; it's just that he's a slow reader and tends to get distracted and lose his concentration on the task at hand. And, because of the way that he is, his attention span is rather short. It'll be interesting to see what happens with him next semester, and how far he'll be able to progress. I have no doubt that he'll eventually make progress in the development of his literacy skills, but how much progress remains to be seen.


  1. I know it will take a lot of extra work on your part to get everything squared away, but I'm confident you'll get through it, Geri. We're finding our sea legs and it's just a matter of time. Good luck, this week, Geri!

  2. Geri, your quote reminds me of my school year thus far...the new admin is bitter but my little achievements are sweet! Just like our assessments! Can't wait till we apply our strategies! I hope we experience the sweet fruit of achievement! Keep up the great work!

  3. Just keep on testing, the fact that he is excited to come to class is awesome, hopefully you'll build a positive connection in his mind with reading and success.

  4. Geri, whenever I see your student he brings a smile to my face. I have many students like him in my classroom. Although they struggle in reading, their motivation and enthusiasm give us the energy to keep on going!
