Thursday, November 18, 2010

The End...or is it?

While we've all for the most part finished gathering our data, we still have the huge task ahead of writing up our Diagnostic Case Reports.  It's the end, but it's not!  I'm confident that we've all accomplished all that we've needed to, even despite the curveballs thrown our way.

(Taken from

I'm glad that I can finally pin down the Reading Levels of my student.  Now I'm in a better place to devise my plan of attack for next semester.  It's exciting as I envision what the next year holds for us.  I know it's going to inspire us more as we see our harvest growing before our eyes.  The rewards will surely be there, that reason why we teach.  We're seeing glimmers of it now, but get ready for explosions of knowledge!

I want to share Baba Dioum's quote, "In the end we will conserve only what we love.  We will love only what we understand.  We will understand only what we are taught"  (  How great is it for the students that they have such caring and wonderful teachers in you that are expanding their horizons of understanding and, in doing so, are expanding their capacity to love!  Love you all, Team MAGEC!


  1. Christine we love you too!! And like always I love your image!! I concur, our students know we care about them, that we're there exclusively for them and that we're doing our best to teach them to be better readers...I can see it in their smiles when they walk in for their sessions!!...or are they smiling at the snacks?! Just the same we're there for them!

  2. Christine,
    Somehow you always seem to know exactly how to put our feelings into just the right words, and eloquently at that. While I'm not quite done with my assessments, I pretty much have a good idea where my student's instructional level's at. Now, it's a matter of putting our diagnosis into words....namely, our diagnostic report! Have a great Thanksgiving Day!

  3. Christine,
    Excellent quote, I'm glad you've got your levels down pat. I too am excited to find the exact strategies to use for next semester reap what we sew.

  4. Christine,
    With all your motivating words of wisdom. Have you thought about my suggestion on becoming an author for children's literature books?
