Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hurry Up and Wait

Col_3:12 Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience,

Quote Citation

I am upset that I am behind in sessions, just as I made one up, I have to make another one up. Frustration. But, I have my plan, I just have to execute and be patient with it. I must admit as well, I am excited to see where my student will place on each assessment. I am also excited to see his writing samples as they will be different than the samples I have from him in my Social Studies class. I hope that he takes some time to look over the Shortcuts I give him over the weekend, I also hope he studies for our map test in my Social Studies class. He told me today that he is quite busy at home with chores and household business. I might speak with the mom to let her know that he has homework for our reading clinic. Hopefully things will turn around a bit for us and we can get back on track. For now, I must be like the cat, wait, wait, wait, then atttack! With lots of assessment. Yeah.

Image Citation:


  1. Yes, channel that inner cat! It will surely pay off. Your student has the tools and motivation--he just needs the opportunity and the time to show his true potential. He is blessed to have a champion in you to help him succeed. Best of luck!

  2. I almost wasn't able to complete my assessment because of my jury service today. However, I like your quote on God. I indeed asked him for patience for today's hectic day.

  3. Frustration is something that we all experience every now and then in our lives. The key is to not let it get the better of us. I have every confidence in you, Erik, that'll pull through. You've already proven it before; after all, you're a member of TEAM MAGEC!

  4. I feel your pain as I too, was thrown a curve ball with my student not showing up last minute. My dad always told me "Find the good in a bad situation" So I started my case report and rescheduled my meeting for Wednesday! Hope things start picking up. Keep up the great work!!
