Thursday, August 26, 2010

How Elluminating!

This class session was exciting, letting us revisit some of the activities we've tried out before and see some technology in action. I'm glad that we're getting closer to trying them out! I sincerely meant it that "We'll have a Terrific year--Together."

Soon we'll be able to share our passion for Reading with others and see how our efforts can transform their lives and help them succeed. I truly believe that we'll be able to witness, as Victor Hugo said, that "To learn to read is to light a fire; every syllable that is spelled out is a spark."

All our previous classes and experiences have helped us to be ready and willing to tackle this challenge! Our only obstacle now is to find a Student! Best of luck to us all. <3

Image taken from


  1. Did Victor Hugo write Les Miserables? I feel like I'm remembering that. That was a long book. I didn't read it. Anyway, yes, the challenge is to now find a student! Time to start talking to parents! Go for it.

  2. That's right Christine! all of the class experiences are coming together, it makes sense now. What we've learned is now going to be put to good use and we get to see the results of our work!

  3. Yes, the problem is trying to find that perfect student to work with. I'm hoping that I won't have any problems, but as the saying goes, "Hope for the best, but expect the worst." Anyway, if it comes down to paying for the student, I'll do it. As I said before, money will be a big factor when I finally choose my student.

  4. Christine,
    You always have such a positive attitude! You're students are fortunate to have you as a teacher. There are many students in our classrooms who will fit the criteria for this assessment, the only challenge is ensuring that the parents will be supportive in accommodating our schedule. Good luck to us all!
