Thursday, August 26, 2010

Great Attitude

"Attitude determines Altitude." -Anonymous

Team MAGEC did well today, discussion was motivating and the attitude was positive!

This was a great session! Geri made the group complete. I enjoyed the review we had on reading strategies and interventions. It brought back the past classes and the work we did. Our short elluminate session was another great review, I'm already looking forward to the next one!


  1. I hope there was some chicken left over for you when you got home! Anyway, I concur, today was good. The strategies will prove helpful for us, and hopefully they will prove more helpful for our students.

  2. I really enjoyed the class session, myself. I'm looking forward to actually beginning the reading clinic with my student. Here's to a great semester!

  3. I heartily agree that a positive attitude goes a long way. Of course, all the smileys in the world won't help you if you aren't willing to put in the work, but we all don't have to worry about that. I know we're all willing to walk the walk this semester--we won't even let a sprained ankle get in the way! Go, Geri! And Go, MAGEC!

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  6. Funny how your quote mentioned "attitude." That was definitely on my mind during the blogging. I truly think a positive attitude will make an effective learning environment!
    -Sorry for the continuous deleting.
