Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day 1 - August 19th

Reflection on Today's Class

Boy, man, gee, wow. The first bit of class rather frightened me, but as the time went along, my thought process changed from fear to confidence. I remember that no one gets off easy in life, and that I actually love challenges. I feel that sometimes, other classes I've had in the past have not challenged me, and I'm excited to see that this class will challenge me to focus on one student and analyze his/her reading ability on a deeper basis. I work part time at Sylvan Learning Center and have tutored multiple ability levels in reading on a weekly basis, but have never done intense analysis on their specific learning needs. I also look forward to helping parents learn the appropriate strategies to help their child improve his/her reading ability at home. I know that if I was a parent, I would be grateful for the opportunity to learn more about how to help my child. I'm also already looking forward the potluck. I love food. :)

Quotation and Reflection of said quotation. :)

Col_3:12 (English Standar Version of the Holy Bible)

Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience

I believe that God has put us here to be awesome workers (2 Tim: 2:15), and I know that for me to be an awesome worker I will need to be extraordinarily patient with the processes it will take to find a student to come for the reading sessions. The paperwork and arrangements needed to find a student appropriate for tutoring is the part of the class that is most worrisome to me. When I reflect on the quote above I realize that if I take humble and compassionate steps to reach out to a student and parent, with patience, I will find one who will be accepting and hopeful for the opportunity to improve their child's reading ability.

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  1. I agree that we're going to learn a lot, and it will be interesting to see how we apply all that we learn to helping a student one-on-one. I'm worried about finding the right student and arranging everything, too. It's going to be a long, but, with this group of awesome workers and our sincere goal to help each other and our students, I think we'll get through it!

  2. Erik,what an awesome reflection! I felt overwhelmed with the all the work we have ahead of us...I was speechless! but as I looked around the familiar faces,I was reminded of past classes, presentations and assignments we worked on together, and the bond we had developed. I left the first day of class at ease, knowing that we could get through this with hard work and encouragement from each other! Here's to a great semester! (pronounced Magic)"Team MAGEC" Mar, Annette, Geri, Erick, Christine :)

  3. Erik,
    Thank you for your quote from the bible. I also believe that with God, nothing is impossible. He has never failed us.

  4. Erik,
    You sure do have a way with words...I felt like crying when I read your reflection. Maybe because you included God in it which is great!
    I'm feeling very much apprehensive about this class myself, simply because it's so different in the approach of how it's going to be taught and conducted. I'm one who likes consistency, but I'm sure that working together as a team along with Dr. Rivera, we'll all come out of it better students, teachers and persons.
