Thursday, August 19, 2010

I recall the look on my student's faces on their first day of school, the look of nervousness and anxiety of not knowing what to expect. That is slightly how I felt today. The path ahead may be a long road, but I know that somehow I will overcome the trials and be able to reflect upon them. I tutored students in the area of reading, but knowing how to assess their needs is the first important component. By using a variety of assessment practices and tools, I will be able to make a difference in a child's ability to read and others who are in need of assistance. Like Christine mentioned, we are in this "together." Let us see ourselves as future reading specialists.

"Adversity is like a strong wind. It tears away from us all but the things that cannot be torn, so that we see ourselves as we really are." -Arthur Golden, Memoirs of a Geisha

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  1. I like your quote very much, Annette! It may be a tough road, but what we'll have at the end will be that much stronger and valuable. I'm almost looking forward to all this work since it means that we'll get to really develop and test our skills as Reading Specialists.

  2. I just read that book last year! I'm glad you reminded me of it, because though the book was fiction, I'm pretty sure nothing we encounter during this class will compare to the experiences of...oh I forget her name. Anyway, I also like your point of seeing ourselves as specialists, vision plays a magnificent role in one's confidence.

  3. Yes, to see ourselves as future reading specialists is awesome. It's actually another giant step in furthering our role as teachers of students snd ensuring our place in helping them to be successful at what they do.

  4. I concur! slowing learning and molding ourselves to be what we will eventually become: A Reading Specialist!

  5. "slowly" fingers type faster than my mind thinks!
