Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day 1

"If you don't succeed at first, try and try again."

This quote will probably be one that will prevail throughout this course for me, simply because it will definitely be a challenge to work with one specific student with learning difficulties and have to be able to diagnose his/her problems and try to implement remedial strategies to help him. What if I fail this student? How would it affect him or her, his parents and me? I would absolutely hate to ever feel like I didn't do my best as a teacher in helping this child improve.

Obviously, this course is going to present some overwhelming challenges that I will need to overcome inorder to pass this course. But, more importantly, I want to be able to assist that one child that I choose, by utilizing the necessary strategies and tools that will be appropriate in tackling his/her problem.

So, whatever happens, if what I use doesn't work, I will try other alternatives and hopefully come up with successful ones by the trial-and-error method.


  1. Nice quote! It's simple, but oh, so true. We'll all be here to help each other, I'm sure. All of our anxieties point to how much we want to do right by our students--and this can only fuel our efforts positively. I'm glad to be with you and everyone again! As rigorous as this is going to be, there's no better cohort than this to help us do our best.

  2. Geri, what great insight on the work ahead of us! I too look forward to helping that child become a better reader by using the tools and strategies we've learn thus far, and to continue to learn more from our experiences.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Geri,
    Thank you also for the assistance tonight. We have overcame many courses together and I truly believe that everything we are doing now will be worth it in the end. The greatest sense of accomplishments are the ones that take time and patience.

  5. Geri,
    You can do it! We can do it! Be ready to use the texts, QLI, Dr. Rivera, and other resources to pinpoint exact symptoms, and then strategies that match your student. My perspective on the quote is a bit different, I think it is essential to modify or redo a strategy if it does not at first succeed, sometimes all you have to do is tweak it in a tiny way, other times we need to completely revamp it. Yeah.
