Thursday, August 26, 2010

"Aim for the highest." -Andrew Carnegie

The session today has given me ideas on strategies that I can apply when conducting the assessment with my chosen individual. I am so glad that we were given completed case reports as samples so that it gives us a general idea on how to do the report. With the session today, we went through different assessment activities which I found useful to incorporate with my current reading group. These activities included shared reading, paired reading, using letter words, worksheet on seeing the big picture, reflections from reading by drawing or writing, three sentence summary, and the list goes on... I am most grateful that we were able to practice how to elluminate today because I don't want to encounter any problems when the session occurs. I'll do my best to make sure there are no kids screaming in the background, text-messaging beeping, and you won't get a glimpse of my "real bahaki clothes." On another note, I need to write me reminders to maybe bring in more snacks for us for our next session. Reading that "Curious George" book today on pancakes and someone else talking about Outback Steakhouse, sure made me hungry! Overall, glad to have you guys in the class..."Go MAGEC!"
Image courtesy of


  1. Annette, we can use those strategies that we've learned, to good use. It would be so fulfilling to see the fruitation of what we've learned go into our case work!

  2. Nice pictures! I think my picture is of one of their brothers. Also, thank you for teaching me what "bahaki" means! Anyway, I'm also confident about Elluminate and will try to keep my cat from mewing too much in the mic.

  3. Annette,
    Remember some of those strategies from ED 484G with Dr. Stoicovy? I really enjoyed doing the Graffiti Board with the kids in my class. If you haven't yet, give it a shot...really interesting

  4. I really wanted to bring something for the class to munch on, but as I don't cook, you all were out luck. The traffic keeps me from passing by my favorite, Crown Bakery. Hopefully it eases up soon so I can avoid the beef-jerkey-stick-and-kitkat snacking I did today.

    Also, I guess I'll have to make it a point to dress for the sessions--if only in a clean t-shirt with my bahaki shorts since you won't see my shorts anyway. I'm glad that technology (here on Guam) has progressed enough that we can try out "distance learning" on this 30-mile island.
